All about SprachgefühlT M
Yup, we borrowed this word
from you guys . . . back in 1894.
Our proofreaders and editors are dedicated to
the perfection of your written word, slicing
and dicing it until delight is guaranteed.
They are native English speakers and hold
memberships in some of the best professional
editing associations. Learn more.


Social responsibility has always been an important for part of our company philosophy; , we just didn’t without talking much about it.
uUntil our partner [organization] OID (Opportunity International Deutschland) has convinced us, that many people others would like to contribute to social welfare, if they only knew how to could only be sure to it would reach the right people in need.
For many years we have contributed to actions of the organization “ANDHERI HILFE”, which has restored givingback the eyesight to of about 1,900 persons individuals in India and Bangladesh. For example, E.g. our 2017 Cchristmas Pproject 2017 makes possible funded the operations of 240 operations blind persons on Bangladesh, and thus enabling those who underwent the procedures them to live independently again.
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Wo umweltfreundliche, leichte, sichere und gleichzeitig kostengünstige Mobilität gefragt ist, finden wir mit Stahl die richtigen Antworten. Wir arbeiten mit Kunden eng zusammen, um Stahlwerkstoffe, Bauteile und weitere Lösungen weiter- oder gleich neu zu entwickeln. Unsere Experten in der Anwendungsentwicklung setzen dabei frühzeitig leistungsstarke Simulations-, Modellierungs- und Data-Mining-Programme ein, um zur besten Lösung zu kommen.
Unsere Lösungen helfen, Ressourcen zu sparen, Gesamtwirkungsgrade von Endprodukten zu verbessern und Leichtbaupotenziale auszuschöpfen. Mit uns wird vieles leichter: Gerade bei Komponenten in Antriebsstrang und Fahrwerk von Pkw und Nutzfahrzeugen wird Leichtbau immer wichtiger. Hier haben unsere Experten gemeinsam mit anderenSpezialisten in der „Initiative Massiver Leichtbau“ 1.917 Ideen mit einem Einsparpotenzial von 358 kg gefunden.
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Wherever environmentally friendly, lightweight, safe, and nevertheless economical mobility is desired, we find the proper steel solution. We work closely with the customer to improve steel materials, components, and other solutions – or to develop totally new ones. Our application development specialists apply powerful simulation, modeling, and data mining programs early in the process to arrive at the best solution.
Our solutions help to save resources, improve overall efficiency of the end product, and capitalize on lightweight construction opportunities. We make it lighter: Lightweight design is becoming increasingly important, especially for the powertrain and chassis of passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Our experts collaborated with other specialists toward this goal as part of the Lightweight Forging Initiative to uncover 358 kg in potential savings across 1,917 design concepts.
We offer exclusively German-to-English translation as it helps us stay focused and committed to the accurate and mindful communication of your ideas.
Our translators are native English speakers and certified members of the leading translation organizations. Learn more.

Conversion copywriting
We roll up our sleeves every time we engineer
a welcome that connects and copy that converts.
With years of marketing and professional writing experience, our conversion copywriters know
a thing or two about cutting through the clutter. Learn more.

Conversion copywriting
Endorsed by perfectionists

unsere Kunden.”

COMFORT Düsseldorf GmbH
Das Niveau von Übersetzungen wird
auf ein neues Level gehoben.”

Hotellerie & Gastronomie
Denglisch Docs konnten wir uns
zurücklehnen, während unsere Texte
nicht nur übersetzt, sondern
vervollständigt wurden. Dabei
hatten wir zu jedem Zeitpunkt einen
persönlichen Ansprechpartner.”

They even advised us to have a German
editor look at the original text. Definitely
a five-star+ service! My pleasure doing business with you. Thanks!”

at Eitanim Renovations LTD
right, could generate such results. It’s
incredible! Thanks to the new web copy
by Denglisch Docs, our conversion rate
has increased by 32%. Thank you
for producing content that makes
our company richer every day!”

at University of California
of language professionals than
the Denglisch Docs. They go above
and beyond every single time to ensure
perfection of the written word.”

der Lage das erforderliche Sprachniveau
in Englisch zu halten.”
Partnering with the best

All about authenticity
We work with
businesses of all sizes,
hotels, law firms,
government departments,
universities, etc.
We partner with
marketing agencies,
advertising companies,
web design studios, digital
trade fairs, etc.